Saturday, November 3, 2012

Compulsive Silver Lining Seeking

There are those times we will be called upon to endure some of life's more difficult challenges...things that rock our security, situations that press the edges of our seemingly gossamer string hanging sanity.  But, through it all, you hold the grace and strength within you to master the moment, to master your emotions and to find the courage within you to face all of the elements that are your life.  As dark or bleak as things may sometimes seem, allow yourself to become a compulsive silver lining seeker and you will transform yourself in moments of darkness into pure and beautiful feelings and emotions of love and light and it is this ability that will carry you through.  Master the fear and worry about what might happen or could happen.  Take a breath and be very present in every now moment...let your internal senses reach out beyond your person and your local world...feel the rest of the souls and angels that stand there beside you lending you love, light and support and know that you are courageous, you are resourceful and you are loved.  ~Blessings of courage, strength and positive focus dear souls.  You are the masters of your own destiny.  You are beautiful and magical and so very loved.

(c) 2012 Jaie Hart (photo, fortunate random internet find)

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