Sunday, October 28, 2012

Walking Buttons

I had a thought this morning and please don't think I'm picking on anyone because I'd have to pick on myself too.  So, the thought is this:  We all walk around with buttons.  What I mean by walking around with buttons is that we all have those wounds deep inside of us that if touched or exposed will trigger us into some kind of painful reaction either via anger, sorrow, sadness or even vengeance.  So, we are the ones who decide to walk around with these buttons and our first reaction when someone pushes one of those buttons is to strike out.  What I can't seem to wrap my head around is that the button pushers are the ones that always seem to be the ones we blame.  We don't seem to have any ability to take responsibility for the fact that we've got buttons that are so readily pushed. 

So, the button pushers are of a wide variety of folks.  They are either in the class of the keenly perceptive and take some sort of twisted pleasure out of pushing your buttons or they are of the class that just happened to push one of your buttons unwittingly.  You can tell them apart immediately by how they respond when you call them to task for pushing your buttons. The ones in the former class will be the ones to deny or to press that brutal honesty is required in life and you just have to deal with it.  The latter class are usually the ones who will say, "Gosh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to....(insert answer here)."  Regardless of which class the button pushers belong to, with this article I mean to suggest something that may seem so revolting and might even make you feel incredulous.  Are you ready?  Here it is:  Own your buttons and stop transferring blame for painful wounds onto others.  I know, it's a jagged bitter pill but stick with me here a moment.  There truly is a method to my madness.

So, when you realize you have buttons that can be pushed such as abandonment issues, self-esteem issues, situational interaction type wounds, emotional abuse, physical abuse or other things that you know you hold as unhealed wounds, you have an incredibly powerful opportunity to prevent the button pushers from ever causing you harm again.  It's so simple, own your buttons and work on healing what underlies them so that no one can trigger you again.  I realize how hard this is and that it will be one very arduous journey to embark upon but realize the power you hold by standing in your own light and owning your wounds.  If you own it and someone calls you on can respond with, "Yeah, so or and????"  If you are in denial of it and someone exposes you, you are going to be triggered into denial, diversion, transference, projection and other ways to protect that wound from being brought out into the light of day.

If you own the button and work on healing it, you won't be subjected to triggering.  Another thing to consider - the role of the button pusher.  So, life is sort of a dream and it is we who build the sets, develop the scripts and engage in the casting calls.  Our souls, knowing we are in pain whether consciously or not, will cast the button pushers into scenes to act out with us for one get us to seek out those wounds we carry and heal them.  You can fire one cast member after another for exposing a wound but you see, your soul will only cast another and another and another who will push the same button until you own it and heal it.  Its true, so very painfully true.  So, quit giving the button pushers power.  Take a look at those things that cause you to react, deny, protect and fight back.  Look at those things openly and with courage and determine if you have a button that might need some work to heal.  If you can stand in your own light bravely, you can heal and grow from the experience and then, when your soul casts the last cast member on this topic to try and trigger you, you'll respond instead of reacting and you will have passed the test moving onto ever and ever greater and more meaningful plays and scenes.  Just some food for thought beautiful dreamers. Blessings of love, healing and light.

(c) 2012 Jaie Hart (photo, random internet find)

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