Saturday, January 5, 2013


Let your feet gracefully glide upon the Earth this day
Let the gentle breezes embrace you as you go
Allow the love that is in and around everything permeate your being
Watch the rays of light crossing in space from within and outside of you
Believe in the purpose of you as you live and breathe
Know that love guides your every motion in truth
Your every thought has meaning as you choose to assign it
More powerful are you than you ever could truly know
Rest in the comfort of the divine love of existence
And then see that and be that as a personal and beautiful challenge
You are a wonderful part of everything and everything
Is a beautiful part of you
Reflect with child-like wonder at the orchestration of your lives
The perfectly timed events, thoughts and feelings that guide you
You are love, we are one, with everything

©2013 Jaie Hart (photo, random internet find)

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