Saturday, October 9, 2010

Contemplative Morning

I’m sitting contemplative in the cool and dark of early morning.  The stars still shine brightly overhead in a slowly fading sky.  I hear the sounds of the city begin to stir, birds calling over head and shiny metal boxes carrying sleepy inhabitants to destinations unknown.  I love the gentle crisp feeling of the morning air in the fall in California.  We may not have the drastic seasonal changes that other states enjoy but to those connected to nature and internally aware, you can feel the shift.  Fall is like a reckoning time for me.  For whatever reason, it finds me considering the lessons I’ve learned and brings into focus those things I’m ready to let fall away.  It’s my absolute favorite season.  I like change ultimately even when considering the impending nature initially and the twinges of discomfort as I go through it.  Without change and the ability to continually embrace the pure opportunity of it, we become mired in our fears and worries and I just can’t bear the thought of resisting anything in a short-sighted manner.

Steam trails from my coffee cup as I take a slow sip and enjoy the warmth immensely.  It’s so quiet in the city in the early morning hours.  I think its my favorite time of the day.  Its that part of the day that nothing is yet decided and everything is infinite in possibility from that moment.  We can make and shape the day in any manner that we choose.  It’s like that every day and if we slow down long enough to be in the moment we can realize what a wonderful gift that is.  It doesn’t really matter the things that you’ve done or the situations that have transpired.  Every morning is a rebirth and a chance for beautiful growth even if it becomes difficult to feel the beauty in life’s endless lessons.  No matter what stage I find myself in, I try always to remember that.  Every change I’ve ever encountered has been ultimately good in the end even when it took a long time to realize it.

One of the greatest lessons in life is learning to let go.  I love this dark morning sky but, the stars have just blinked out and I’ll have to let go of that and embrace the rising sun instead.  It’s beautiful out as it begins to paint the sky in pink and golden wisps of light.  Soon enough the pale colors will become vibrant like a carefully colored oil painting created with the broad confident strokes of a large brush filling the sky with amazing energy.   Its going to be a beautiful day no matter what sneaks into my realm of perspective or what I might bring there myself.  Attitude and intention is everything in life and this day, for me, will be no different.  I intend to embrace the day, fill my heart and soul with gratitude for all o f life’s lesson, drink in deeply this cool part of the moment once more and go about my day.  I pray that you find some measure of peace today, that you find something to do that fills your heart to over-flowing with immense joy and that you take a moment to consider the beauty of difficult lessons you’ve been blessed with.  ~Blessings!

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