Saturday, September 1, 2012

One Illusion Dispelled

One of the biggest illusions in life is a belief that any person on the face of this Earth has the power to create emotion in you. Only you, dearest beautiful souls, have the power to create emotion in yourselves. Others may inspire emotion for good or ill but only you truly hold the power to bring emotion to life. This works in the positive and the negative -- if the person you are with is loving and seems to make you feel loved and loving - YOU have brought forth the emotion, the other person did not create it. They inspired you. Likewise, if someone you care about has insulted or criticized you and seems to make you feel hurt or angry - YOU have brought forth the emotion, the other person did not create it. We create emotion inspired by others only to the extent we truly believe in what they are putting forth for our consideration. Know yourself first and foremost and you can appreciate both positive and negative inspiration for what it is meant to teach you. Understand this and you will have dispelled one of life's greatest illusions. Oh, and when you do understand this concept - you will taste the sweetest freedom to be and learn to let others be. It is a natural result and it is beautiful beyond words. See the truth, know it when you see it and feel it with every breath that you take! ~Blessings.

(c) 2012 Jaie Hart (photo/words)

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