With childlike wonder do I greet this day wondering what it is I have created to amuse myself for within it. Will it be the stress and strain of the corporate world, will it be congenial comradery of those I have incarnated with or will it be deep gratitude and appreciation for a storm that brings us gentle rain to wash away the dust that has collected? As I sit here now in the warmth of a home I have created, I realize it doesn't much matter what I may have unconsciously created because in this moment I know that what I experience is mine for the choosing. What I think and what I do is at my design as I move through my day. I think that I much prefer to string together beautiful, magical and peaceful moments filled with infinite curiosity for all that is rather than all that was or all that may one day be. I cannot borrow the trouble of worry for tomorrow. It shall come soon enough or not, who knows. I cannot regret the days that have gone by because I lived them already and I learned wonderful and amazing life lessons from the scenes I created and the actors I chose. I am proud of my creations whether good or bad because of the great opportunities for learning they brought me and well, that is the point - to experience, to learn and with great hope...to grow and understand more about this great big beautiful world of infinite possibility.
Another sip of warm and deliciously sweet coffee and it is decided. I shall form no opinion of what the day holds as it will unfold. Neither shall I form an opinion of the life yet before me. I'll remain inexplicably close and focused at the moment at hand and expect miracles, expect love and expect great happiness and understanding for it is that which I chose to come here to the Earth school and experience. Don't get me wrong. I have plans and goals but let them go once I have created them trusting myself implicitly to carry forth each step that will bring me to that which I chose to set as a goal for myself. All will occur perfectly, beautifully and lovingly as I ultimately designed it. I imagine the sun just rising on the horizons behind the mountains hidden at the moment by storm clouds. It is like life I think. The beautiful light is often obscured a bit now and then but that does make life more interesting, does it not? We ultimately know what is there, what is real and what is not. What makes life unique and intriguing is the things we know are there and yet do not see. All will always be revealed and perfectly so. This moment of perfect bliss is a good way to start this day. I shall endeavor to start all of my days with this hope and wonder, these moments of warm and gentle peace. After all, for all the work I've done living, I deserve to give myself at least that much of a benefit to begin with...a strong and positive framework and base from which to work from each day I arise on planet Earth.
I wish for you a beautiful day. I wish for you perfect love. I wish for you gentle and deep understanding of all that is you and all that is your beautifully and perfectly unfolding life. You are blessed in more ways than you have the ability to count. Trust that fact and watch how life manifests a bit differently for you. Much love and light beautiful dreamers!
(c) 2012 Jaie Hart (photo, random but so very beautiful internet find)
Another sip of warm and deliciously sweet coffee and it is decided. I shall form no opinion of what the day holds as it will unfold. Neither shall I form an opinion of the life yet before me. I'll remain inexplicably close and focused at the moment at hand and expect miracles, expect love and expect great happiness and understanding for it is that which I chose to come here to the Earth school and experience. Don't get me wrong. I have plans and goals but let them go once I have created them trusting myself implicitly to carry forth each step that will bring me to that which I chose to set as a goal for myself. All will occur perfectly, beautifully and lovingly as I ultimately designed it. I imagine the sun just rising on the horizons behind the mountains hidden at the moment by storm clouds. It is like life I think. The beautiful light is often obscured a bit now and then but that does make life more interesting, does it not? We ultimately know what is there, what is real and what is not. What makes life unique and intriguing is the things we know are there and yet do not see. All will always be revealed and perfectly so. This moment of perfect bliss is a good way to start this day. I shall endeavor to start all of my days with this hope and wonder, these moments of warm and gentle peace. After all, for all the work I've done living, I deserve to give myself at least that much of a benefit to begin with...a strong and positive framework and base from which to work from each day I arise on planet Earth.
I wish for you a beautiful day. I wish for you perfect love. I wish for you gentle and deep understanding of all that is you and all that is your beautifully and perfectly unfolding life. You are blessed in more ways than you have the ability to count. Trust that fact and watch how life manifests a bit differently for you. Much love and light beautiful dreamers!
(c) 2012 Jaie Hart (photo, random but so very beautiful internet find)