Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Another Year Wiser (I Hope)

So, here we are again arriving at January 1st of another year on planet Earth.  What have we learned for all the energy expended in our daily travels, adventures and journeys?  What will you take with you as you go into the new year and what will you leave behind you?  Will you embrace this new year with positive curiosity or will you mourn 2013 with regret for the things you didn’t do, that you wanted to do or maybe what you think you should have done?

Wintertime and a New Year brings a natural assessment of the state of things in one’s life.  I like to turn my thoughts more toward gratitude as much as I can.  It isn’t easy some days as the trials and tribulations of life can tend to knock you off your center.  But, it doesn’t have to be that hard to gain your way back to a positive and hopeful state (says the woman who’s had a rough couple of months).  I’ve not written much in the last few months for this reason.

While I deeply appreciate my ability to find my way back to sanity through gratitude, I don’t care much for the hamster wheel of troubling thoughts when faced with challenges that leave me feeling, well, incredulous.  I’ve learned something about that particular feeling though.  I think incredulous feelings are a huge red flag that there is a lie being told or believed in and it’s time in that very moment that those incredulous feelings surface, to step back and analyze the true nature and source of what is creating those feelings.  Is it an internal matter?  Is an external matter?  Is it potentially both?  Whatever it is, figure out its source and then take step by step to remove the lie from existence through the light of love, self love, compassion and understanding for all involved.

My thoughts for this year are positive ones.  The last year is gone and I’m grateful for all I’ve learned and for the wonderful actors who helped me learn on this journey (for good or ill).  I think I’m more content staying focused on the moment rather than trying to look out and predict or delude myself with saying 2014 will be rosy and wonderful.  It may be or it may not be.  Regardless, I will breathe, I will exist (God willing) and I will do my best no matter what I encounter.  I’m satisfied with that.

Having said that, it does not mean I have no goals or ambitions.  I certainly have those.  I’ve got my next book in the editing stages and am hopeful to find the energy to get that one ready to roll very shortly. (Watch for Chronicles of Aliyah in the near future).  I’ll not say much more about that project until I’m about to publish.  Three more books are in the works as well as a fourth collaborative effort with one of my most favorite people in the whole wide world.  I think I’m going to be busy with projects and learning as I am pretty much every year.  I’m resigning myself to staying positively curious, confident in my ability to live and manage my life well and to strive ever and always to see the love and light in all I encounter.  I truly hope that each of you find the energy to do the same.  I wish you a very happy and prosperous New Year filled with pleasant surprises and invaluable learning. ~Blessings. 

(photo is not mine but a fortunate random google find)

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