The more you begin to become familiar with the filters
through which you view all of your experiences, the more you may begin to
wonder what is true and what is not. You
also begin to see the filters through which others judge not only themselves
but others too. When you gain this tiny
little bit of understanding, the tiny cracks in your heart that created these
filters through which you often mistakenly view your worlds opens wider. They open wider and more light floods in
leaving with you ever greater and ever expanding compassion for your self and
the journey you have made and others as well.
You may come to a point where your every motivation, interaction, desire
and even dreams begin to slowly disappear like morning mist as the sunrises. As the bright golden light of a brand new day
dawns you care less about the things that seemed to matter so much before. Even love transforms and changes into
something much more universal and less possessive.
These moments are precious few. They can be so bewildering but take
heart. During these times, great
transformation is at hand and you will be surrounded with what I’ll simply call
the magic of re-creation and your life begins to unfold anew. Curiosity more than caution are like the rose
colored lenses you may newly view the world.
Your understanding may bring little wistful bouts of deflation or
concern. Let it go. Let it go and just breathe. All will be revealed in very good time and in
the mean-time, you will have much to discover as the years of fears embedded
within your consciousness begins to shift and change. It is painfully beautiful, infinitely
peaceful and epic You will
begin to catch the tiniest glimpse of the Source of true love. You will begin to understand that truth is
never dictated by a wounded ego but the things that trigger you most in the
behavior you think unsavory in others, the ones
that when you observe really seems to get your goat –- Those are
messages from your psyche to your waking conscious mind – “Look here love,
there is something here for you, something long forgotten that needs your love,
compassion and a new understanding.”
ly empowering.
If only our lives came with consciousness instruction
books. But they don’t and maybe that is
okay. The discovery at each junction,
each cross roads, each mountain that seems beyond our ability to climb is
simply delicious. So, get lost in a blue
sky, dream with the stars beaming their infinite seeming light, feel the energy
of a tiny flower or blade of grass. Sit
under a tree with your back resting gently against it. Listen there in silence for a few moments, not
with your ears but the depths of your soul.
Whether you understand consciously or not makes no difference. There is a part of you that truly knows how
to listen in this way. Although it may
seem a fruitless endeavor, I assure you it isn’t.
Life is teaming with energy, love, and an infinite well of
creativity from which we can redesign our lives with much more meaning. Let go of the small stuff, the tiny judgments
of not good enough, unworthy, and the parts that want to disappear in shame for
some silly little thing whose consequence you didn’t have the capability to
understand from your formative years.
Reach into the heart of your soul and do so patiently until you begin to
feel the truth of you and then the understanding of the truth of others and how
they have chosen to paint their lives.
This understanding, this expanded interactive view of your life and the
lives of others will give you pause to forgive and let go more and more of the
things that never really mattered. Then
and only then will you finally be free to focus on that myriad of unique and
special and intricately beautiful aspects of life designed just for you. Freedom, blessings and infinite love for your
journey beautiful dreamers. Higher love
and understanding is here. It’s here.