Thursday, June 20, 2013

Seeing Clearly

I sometimes think that pain never really heals but that we somehow learn to live our lives despite our wounds.  We develop coping mechanisms and strategies that help us compensate for the pain we have suffered.  Some of these coping mechanisms can be healthy and will not really interfere with our experience here on planet Earth.  Some of these coping mechanisms, however, can create a vast array of mini psycho dramas that we unwittingly play out of our own volition while we mistakenly blame the landscape, the themes and the actors conveniently acting nearest us in the present.

Going back for a moment to emotion, I think we have to be very careful in how we choose to align our emotions with the thoughts that we think.  Before we can even get to that point of awareness, we must understand how we have attached an emotion or series of emotions to our interpretation of events transpiring in our lives.  Emotions sometimes seem to be triggered so very fast that we almost unconsciously give birth to them as we misjudge what we think we see.  We may be trapped for years in the maze of emotions, thoughts, pain, recovery and reactions to the point that we habitually continue seeing, judging and reacting to the same themes without ever giving conscious thought as to why.

Although it may seem very difficult to understand, we do choose our emotions.  Although they seem to automatically occur, that’s not really the case.  You witness something, an event, a scene and the actors, your mind initiates thoughts and judgments about what it witnesses or experiences and then based on your personal experiences from all aspects of the lives you have lived up to that point and then you begin to attach emotion.  Sometimes in some cases, you even quickly look ahead and begin to attach emotion before anything has ever even occurred.  We seem to react and think this way on auto-pilot but if we do not like the results of this very natural seeming behavior, we can choose our thoughts and the emotions we attach to them differently.  We can learn to see things and experience things we encounter with greater compassion and understanding and when we successfully engage in conscious awareness of our own thoughts and emotions, we can change what we see from a mere perception to direct conscious experience of what truly exists.

For those trapped in a series of emotional upheavals and reactions day in and day out, challenging interactions with other human beings on the planet, work or other aspects of life, taking a time out to contemplate your own thoughts and reactions about a thing, person or situation can be very helpful in uncovering the truth about a thing, person or situation as well as the truth about you and what you carry deep within you.  Careful consideration may just be the key that helps you unlock the door and step out of the prison you unwittingly locked yourself into in the absence of knowledge of just how much power you truly do hold.  This is one of the most important lessons in life you can learn.  But, it’s not easy to do because you have to be brave and courageous.  You have to be willing to see your own hand in your undoing throughout your life by the thoughts you have allowed yourself to think and the emotions you gave permission to be brought out into the light.  For some, the violent disagreement may ring loudly through the halls.  However, I challenge those to remain very curious a moment and consider that they may really be in a state of disagreement only with that which they do
not yet understand.  I know this because I was once in this place.  Through keen awareness did I one day gain the ability to see the truth and then felt compelled to share it because I understand how liberating it can be.  I want that freedom for others even if they don’t understand why.  The shift in consciousness puts an amazing energy out into this world that touches the hearts and souls of others still struggling to awaken.  It creates a space of love and light for others to grow in their own understanding of their existence.  So, okay, enough deep thoughts for this moment.

Forgive my dwindling posts of late.  I’ve been very busy with some amazing new projects and I’ve not had much time to write.  I’ve missed it very much.  I’ve recently quit smoking (1 month today to the day) and have needed to keep very busy to conquer, finally, that dreaded addiction that I very unconsciously chose to engage in for too many years.  I’ve also decided to fight some other long-standing seeming barriers and I’ve gone back to school.  I’m thrilled and excited for all
the amazing things in life that have seemingly come together in a heartbeat.  Speaking of heart beats as well as seeing more from the truth than mere jaded perception, there are now two hearts beating where once there was one and of course that also brings so much more to the colors of my life.  Correcting your thoughts and emotions in greater alignment with the truth is also a key to manifesting those things you most want for your own greatest good.  Thank Goddess for all that
is good, challenging and beautiful in this world.  I’m glad I can finally see.  (Now, a little song just for fun - enjoy).

(c) 2013 Jaie Hart article  (Youtube Video copyright is not mine and is held as noted on Youtube site).

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Green Lights

Why do we engage in the "All lights must be green mentality?"  There are things we think we want to accomplish and go after in this life and yet we don't even engage in a process of getting started because we can see from the moment of conceptualization of something new that there may be many barriers and obstacles to get from point A to B in our concept or desire.  It seems we sometimes do this with our own happiness as well in thinking, "I'll be happy when this or that occurs" or "I'll have that sense of accomplishment only when this or that happens."  The funny thing is that if we have not found a way to make and maintain our own happiness, nothing we get, achieve or create will ever truly make us happy regardless of whether the lights are red, yellow or green.  We may ultimately get to that place we always wanted to be in life and find there is no happiness there at all except for that happiness that we took with us.

We are mistakenly taught that it is the outside world that generates and/or controls our happiness through the world of materialism, human validation, that job, this color and kind of car or whatever else fills the blank...will really make us happy.  These are really such silly thoughts as the reality is nothing in the outside world can make us happy and if we don't learn this and try to understand it now, we may engage in all manner of crazy things to make us happy only to find we are in no greater state at the end of our happiness seeking or unhappiness avoiding endeavors.  So, consider this, if nothing in the outside world can make you truly happy and only you hold the only true power to grant yourselves happiness, that too means that nothing in the outside world can make you unhappy.

I know, I know.  You're writhing in vehement disagreement at this point but I'd challenge you to retain a very curious and open mind about now.  Consider how very empowering these words might be to you.  If no one has the power to make you happy and no one in this world has the power to make you unhappy, this means you truly are in charge of your own sense of well-being and happiness and you create it with your own controllable thoughts and associated emotions.  I know it might seem such a stretch because you are more than certain only the next promotion will prove to the world how amazing you can be or the next beautiful car you come pulling up to the office in will make you one to be truly admired.  Likewise, your thoughts might also lead you to contemplate the seeming fact that if only by some stroke of luck those mean people in your life would cut you some slack today, you would not be unhappy, dejected or miserable in any way.

We misperceive control sometimes not realizing it is not other people or things that hold the strings to happiness in our lives.  We need not wait for all of the lights to turn green in order for us to be happy.  In fact, we can find happiness at every road block and red light we encounter.  It's up to us to decide what we wish to feel, what we wish to pursue and what we wish to contemplate and attach emotion to.  If we were to truly stand in our own light, we'd never prevent our own happiness by seeing it as out of reach of our grasp due to lacking funds, lacking outside world validation of any sort or tying our happiness to the achievement of a thing.  Live your lives and know that your moods and perceptions are solely generated by your thoughts and what you hold as truth.  What you think is true based on a perception or even less valid, an assumption, can only ever seem like the truth but can never be definitively so.  You  are just not limited by your perceptions like this.  If you think you cannot be happy until you achieve or attain this or that, consider why those thoughts exist...consider why you are limiting you in your own thoughts.  Take a deep breath and realize that life was meant to be enjoyed at every step and with every breath...the journey is the destination...our destination here in the physical is death.  So, live and be joyful because you exist...know that you are love and loved...understand that there is much more to life than handing the power over to the world to generate your happiness.  You are truly the only source that owns that right.  Much love and light always.

(c) 2013 Jaie Hart, Photo